Our virtual field trips allow you to explore the fascinating and spectacular world of various geomorphological landscapes. Look all around and zoom-in on features of interest and observe how the landscape changes from one location to the next.
Sure, there is no substitute for real fieldwork, but this is not always possible. Virtual Field Trips in Geomorphology supports class-based teaching. It can also be used by anyone wishing to explore these environments for themselves.
Virtual field trips are an alternative way to study an area. With this tool, anyone can visit any point of interest, rather than actually visiting it. It is more than simply presenting images and slides. You have the ability to view photos, videos, as well as satellite images, and from different aspects, both in two and three dimensions, and literally visit any place in the globe. It is very easy to use, and it is accessible from any device with an internet connection, such a personal computer, a tablet or a mobile phone.